FDM conducted the evaluation of My First Baby Pilot pilot intervention implemented by Save the Children from 2014- 2015 with the objective of providing in-depth research and summative assessment to receive effective and relevant performance out of the project. The study also delved into adolescent girls’ perception on the age to marry, conceive and accessed different level of knowledge on topics concerning sexual and reproductive health such as family planning, contraceptives, and sexually transmitted infections, maternal and neo-natal care topic areas. The My First Baby project’s objective was to promote a positive life trajectory for the girls and their infants as they enter their conceptive period in life. The assessment was summative in assessing the performances of the project in terms of its effectiveness, relevance and replicability and the adopted study method was quasi- experimental model with utilization of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools to complete the task.
Donor: Save the Children
Study Area: Kapilvastu and Pyuthan
Tools: Questionnaire, Result Verification Matrix, FGD, KII and Case Studies
Sample size: 600
Project Duration: 2016