Endline Evaluation of the Renewable Energy Access For Livelihood in Fragile Buffer Zones (REALiZE) Project
Study on Saving Behavior of People of Nepal
Assessment of Private Sector Attitude Towards Women Producers for Agricultural Innovation and Investment
Final Evaluation of Community Infrastructure and Livelihood Recovery Programme (CILRP)
Endline evaluation of Advocating for Consolidation of Equality and Non-discrimination for Sustainable Peace (ENDS) Action in Nepal project
Endline evaluation of Economic and Social Empowerment of Freed Haliya, Kamaiya, Kamlahari and other marginalised groups of Far west
Endline Evaluation of Women Employment through Sustainable Access to Finance and Skills project.
Tracer Study of students and trainees from EVENT Project – II
Tracer study for trainees’ employment status at present, EVENT Project-II
Tracer Study of the Trainees of EVENT Project-II