FDM was assigned to conduct a Baseline Survey of the new Sajhedari-STF project that builds on USAID/Nepal’s prior Sajhedari Bikas (SB) project. The objective of project was to provide primarily technical assistance to the Government of Nepal (GON) in transitioning from a unitary state to a federation of provinces with more effective, accountable, responsive, and inclusive local governance. As part of the Sajhedari-STF learning agenda, FDM conducted the baseline evaluation to assess i) how satisfied people feel with the service delivery of the local governments ii) how inclusive the local governments are and iii) the level of participation, inclusion, transparency and accountability in decision making at the local level. The baseline values helped the project understand what level of improvement the project has achieved through evaluation at different points.
Donor: Abt Associates/USAID
Study Area: Bardiya, Banke, Dang, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Dadeldhura, Doti and Bajhang
Quantitative sample: 2,069 Community members
Qualitative sample: 30 FGDs and 35 KIIs
Tools: Survey, FGDs and KIIs
Duration: August 2020 – May 2021