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Capacity Needs Assessment and Capacity Development of the Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare (MoWCSW)and its line agencies

FDM conducted the capacity needs assessment and capacity development of GoN’s ministries and its line agencies under the initiation of UNICEF, DFID and MoWCSW. The overall objective of the assignment was to strengthen the capacity of the MoWCSW and its line agencies in addressing the issues of GBV and child rights protection. The specific objectives of the assignment was to identify capacity needs of the MoWCSW and its related institutions as per their mandate in strengthening their administrative and managerial skills in dealing with GBV and CRP issues through effective/efficient planning, budgeting, reporting, communication, negotiations and monitoring and evaluation.


Study Area: Jhapa, Siraha, Dang, Doti, Dadeldhura, Dhading, Kaski, Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur

Stakeholders consulted: Officials from MoWCSW, DWC, WCO, Women Groups, Women cooperatives.

Tools: KIIs, Observation, Questionnaire, FGD

Duration: 2016

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