FDM conducted the Mid-Term/End-Term (MTET) Evaluation of Dhading Disaster Response Programme (DDRP) which is being implemented by United Mission to Nepal (UMN) from 2015 to 2020. The MTET study was conducted between March and May 2018 with the primary objective of reviewing the outcomes of DDRP project. DDRP is an integrated-approach programme, with interventions implemented under 10 different components — community infrastructure, shelter, WASH, protection, psycho social and trauma healing, organizational development, livelihood, health and nutrition, good governance and disaster risk reduction. The MTET evaluation assessed the end-term outcomes of components that had phased out by 2018. The components that are still ongoing were assessed for their mid-term impact. FDM used mixed methods to conduct this evaluation, applying both quantitative and qualitative measures.
Donor: UMN
Study area: Dhading
Sample: 380 households
Tools: FGDs, KIIs, Immersion, Case stories, Observation and household survey.
Duration: March 2018 – May 2018