FDM conducted a review/ assessment of the existing monitoring systems and processes within UMN projects in different clusters. The main aim of this assignment was to conduct a thorough review of the monitoring systems used in UMN projects and come up with realistic, actionable learning and recommendation for revised monitoring system in line with UMN’s current strategic direction. The study highlighted the effectiveness of cluster approach as it gives an opportunity to closely monitor the work of partners at both organizational as well as community level. FDM undertook this study using qualitative approach, where major tools involved were – review of relevant documents, workshop and consultation with different departments within UMN and cluster-based teams, FGDs with partner organizations and community members, and KIIs with UMN staff at central as well as cluster level and partner organizations in the clusters.
Donor: UMN
Study Area: Dhading, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu and Nawalparasi
Study tools: KIIs, FGDs and workshop
Duration: June – August 2019