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A pilot study of micro hydro projects in Nepal

Duke University US intends to carry out a project which aims to understand the ways communities manage the communal resources. In this regard, as Nepal has thousands of micro-hydro projects spread all over the country, Duke University is pursuing collaboration with FDM to pilot a study, primarily focusing on their

performance as per their expected lifespan. Through the assignment, Duke University is particularly interested to delve deeper into the non-operational micro-hydro projects and explore reasons behind their inability to reach the expected lifespan. In doing so, the assignment shall further explore if this is a result of naturally occurring variation in the communities or the basic engineering issues. FDM was contracted for the data collection from the micro-hydro projects across five districts in Nepal. The study adopted quantitative approach. FDM was contracted for the orientation, data collection and preliminary quality assurance at field. The survey was carried out in the Survey CTO Collect.

Sample size: 84 (2100 households)

Study districts: Achham, Bajura, Rolpa, Rukum and Baglung

Study method: Household survey, MHP leader survey and MHP photo survey

Study duration: August-November 2019

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