FDM was contracted to carry out Community and Schools Disaster Readiness Assessments for fostering disaster ready community and schools through sustainable and inclusive disaster risk reduction project; PASCHIM disaster project being implemented by American Red Cross in partnership with Nepal Red Cross Society. The assessment was carried out in project intervention communities, schools and local governments of Kanchanpur, Dadeldhura, Doti and Baitadi districts. The community and school disaster readiness assessments aimed to promote better understanding and analysis in terms of community preparedness towards natural disasters and assessing the capacity of vulnerable communities in relation to responding to disasters more effectively and reducing risks while also recognizing community-level strengths and weaknesses. FDM examined, assessed, measured and compared (at the community and school level) progress made in each of the project’s communities and schools (44 communities and 26 schools in total), on four determinants that include self-organization, ability to take action, knowledge and awareness, and connectivity. The result of the assessments were used to track results/changes by comparing with the results of the previous assessments and to provide recommendations for future programming and sustainability.
Donor: IFRC – American Red Cross
Study area: Kanchanpur, Dadeldhura, Doti and Baitadi
Tools: Secondary review, KIIs, FGDs, Mini community and school surveys, Immersive
Sample size: 44 FGDs, 8 KIIs and 220 Mini surveys
Duration: Nov 2021 – Mar 2022