FDM currently completed the Thematic and Country level Evaluation (TCLE) of GPE program in partnership with Triple line consulting. The program is being implemented between 2023 and 2026, as per the GPE 2025 monitoring, evaluation and learning framework approved by the GPE Board of Directors. The purpose of the evaluation is to evaluate GPE’s global and country-level support, with regards to partner countries’ efforts towards system transformation and across GPE’s key thematic areas. The evaluation aimed to identify promising practices, explain their underlying success factors in context and formulate recommendations on how GPE could strengthen its support to partner countries’ transformative reform process at country and global levels. To enable this, the evaluation team conducted country-level case studies in up to 15 partner countries to better understand how GPE’s support works or does not work in different country contexts. Through this program, Nepal has been receiving the System Transformative Grant ( with multiplier grant) and Capacity strengthening grand for the strengthening the basic education of Nepal. In this regard, Triple Line Consulting: International Development is conducting the country level evaluation of the program and FDM is the local partner for the evaluation who is supporting the international consultant in terms of coordination with government stakeholders, JFPs, Non – JFPs, and CSOs and facilitating KIIs and workshops with them.
Client: Triple Line Consulting: International Development
Study area: Kathmandu
Sample: 14 KIIs, 6 Interactional Workshop
Respondents: Joint Sec. from MoEST, CHERD,ERO,, JFPs, Non JFPs and CSO
Duration: Jun – Oct 2023