FDM conducted the end term evaluation of the PRRO which was funded and implemented by WFP Nepal with an aim to support the Government of Nepal (GoN)’s livelihood recovery strategy to restore food and nutrition security and rebuild community infrastructure in areas affected by massive earthquake of 2015. WFP launched Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) in January 2016 based on the experience gained by WFP during the emergency relief right after the disaster. As a three-year project, it aimed to benefit 381,000 individuals living in the 20 highly food insecure and disaster impacted former VDCs of Dhading, Nuwakot and Gorkha districts. The evaluation adherred to the OECD-DAC Criteria for Evaluating Development Assistance with priority given to the Gender equality and Social Inclusion perspective. The evaluation design was a mixed method design covering all three-intervention district.
Study area: Dhading, Nuwakot, Gorkha
Sample :1063 households
Tools: Questionnaire, FGDs, KIIs, Case Stories, Immersion and observation
Duration: September 2018- June 2019