FDM contracted with VSO to carry forward the research achievements made during baseline and midline, by continuing its engagement in the endline evaluation of ENGAGE project funded by Leave No Girl Behind, the flagship programme of DFID from 2018-2022. The project worked in seven municipalities of Banke, Parsa and Sarlahi in consortium with Humanity and Inclusion. The central aim of the project was to empower Out of School (OOS) marginalized girls and OOS girls with disabilities through education to make informed life choices, contribute to family decisions, and confidently pursue their own economic opportunities. Foundation for Development Management (FDM) conducted pre-baseline, baseline, midline, endline study for this project, engaged in different stages of programme design and implementation of the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) framework and informed the project with evidence generated through field-based research and in-depth analyses. FDM adopted a longitudinal mixed-method (semi-sequential) approach in this evaluation study.
Sample size: 530 household survey, 530 girls survey, 496 Learning Tests (proposed)
Qualitative sample: 39 FGDs and 36 KIIs
Working Area: Parsa, Sarlahi and Banke
Survey tools: EGRA/ EGMA, KAP survey, household survey FGD, KII, and Case Stories
Duration: October 2022-March 2023