FDM was contracted by Australian Caritas to conduct the Endline Evaluation of Nepal Livelihood and Resilience Program (NLRP). NLRP brought together three ongoing separate projects (Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Cooperative Development and Enterprise Promotion (CDEP), Child and Youth
Empowerment (CYEP)) that were supported by Caritas Australia. The program was designed to achieve the overarching goal – Urban and rural households in 20 districts of Nepal achieve financial independence, resilience and overall wellbeing. The main purpose of the evaluation was learning and ongoing improvement. Since Caritas Australia intended to continue related programming in the future, the evaluation aid in reviewing the current program to capture lessons learned that can be applied to ensure future programming is effective, efficient, and will create sustainable impact. The final evaluation focused on assessing the program as a whole, looking at formative aspects (the design and program logic), process (the implementation process), and performance (results brought about by it). The endline evaluation was guided by OECD DAC criteria; Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability adopting qualitative method for data collection where the mapped stakeholders were consulted through KIIs and FGDs.
Donor: Australian Caritas
Study Area: Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Jhapa, Kaski, Kailali, Kanchapur, Banke, Bardiya, Surkhet and Palpa
Tools: FGDs and KIIs
Sample size: 60 FGDs and 102 KIIs
Duration: Jun – Sep 2022