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External Evaluation of Supporting the Education of Marginalized Girls in Kailali District (STEM) II

FDM was contracted by Mercy Corps Nepal to undertake the external evaluation of the second phase of the STEM project after having successfully completed the evaluation of the first phase of the project. STEM II was a project initiated by Mercy Corps with funding from DFID aimed at improving the life chances of marginalized girls in Kailali through a series of proven interventions centered around promoting girls education, reproductive health education for girls, providing financial literacy, vocational training and employment opportunities to help girls. FDM’s evaluation assesses the effectiveness, impact, sustainability, Value for Money (Vfm) and efficiency of the project through three evaluation points – baseline, midline and endline.

Study area: Kailali

Sample: 4,591 IS girls, 803 OOS girls and 850 ISG

Tools: Household Survey, KAP survey, SEGRA/SEGMA test, FGD, KII, Spot Checks

Duration: 2017 – ongoing (expected to end in 2020)

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