FDM conducted GESI evaluation of infrastructure support project under community development program implemented by RRN, OPM, WFP, DFID, DAI. The Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) has been implementing the community development program (CDP) funded by DFID in 18 districts in the mid and far western Terai. Major working areas include strengthening local governance, planning and improving rural infrastructure. FDM was assigned to conduct this in-depth community based qualitative study to validate the concerns regarding GESI that surfaced during community informant surveys. The study not only validated the pertinent issues, but also explored the reason behind them and other related factors including participation of women and excluded groups in the program.
Donor: RRN
Study area: Eight infrastructure project sites in Accham, Kalikot, Saptari and Sarlahi
Stakeholders consulted: Community members (women, men, Dalit, Older persons, etc), user committees, and Project staff
Tools: FGD, KII, Observation, Case studies