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Reality Check Approach (RCA) on Conducting Mid-term Review of the Swiss Country Strategy (SCS) 2013-2017

FDM conducted fieldwork using Reality Check Approach in the Eastern region of Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga and Khotang districts with the support of Trail Bridge Unit/ HELVETAS Swiss Cooperation (TBSU). Reality Check Approach (RCA) is a unique research tool that FDM has adopted to collect qualitative data. The concept is based on the principles of ethnography but unlike ethnographic research, it

has been adapted to development projects to make it shorter and more concise. As with any ethnographic research, RCA requires researchers to stay

in the natural habitat of the research subject by living with them for certain number of days throughout which they engage in information conversation and observations to gather in-depth finding. RCA helps capture people centric data and has been helpful in capturing unmeasured and dynamic everyday experiences, awareness and aspirations of people.The purpose of the study was to conduct a mid-term review of Swiss Country Strategy 2013-2017, with the objective to enable SDC to reflect and systematically address the changing context. Moreover, the study assessed whether project activities correspond with planned or foreseen activities by the SCS.

Duration: April – May 2015

Study area: Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga and Khotang

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