To build upon the achievement of SfSE, VSO Nepal is continuing to reach out to the same community through Sister for Sisters’ Education-II project. The SfSE-II is being implemented from 2017 to 2021 with a vision that marginalized adolescent girls from four districts in Nepal– will transition from basic to secondary education and secondary to upper secondary. In this context, Foundation for Development Management (FDM) undertook the midline evaluation of SfSE-II project with an aim to assess the trend of project’s development and current status of interventions and its outcomes. It also intended to evaluate its activities on five major factors of delivery that include process, impact, value for money (VfM), effectiveness and sustainability.
Study area: Surkhet, Parsa, Dhading and Lamjung
Sample: 1600
Tools: Questionnaire, FGDs and KII
Duration: December 2018 – December 2019