FDM currently conducted the endline evaluation of Women Employment through Sustainable Access to Finance and Skills project. The project envisions the social and economic empowerment of women through establishment and strengthening women-led local cooperatives, capacity building and advocacy to-wards local government on women’s rights. It aimed to see increased business/income opportunities for women particularly socially marginalized and economically poor groups through enhanced technical and entrepreneurship skills and better market linkage. For the endline evaluation, FDM applied a mixed method approach. The objective of the endline evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coherence, gender and disability considerations and core humanitarian standard commitments in relation to the project.
Donor: Finn Church Aid (FCA)
Study area: Sindhuli
Tools used: Survey, IDI, KII, FGD and Immersion
Sample: 15 FGDs and 17 KIIs | 270 community members
Duration: Jun 2021 – Jan 2022