FDM recently completed the assignment ‘Tracer study for trainees’ employment status at present, EVENT Project-II” contracted by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. It was 2.5 months long assignment to study the employment status of the trainees of EVENT Project-II (Enhanced Vocational Education and Training). The objective of the assignment was to assess the present employment status of youth graduates who completed the Result Based Short Term (RBST) Level I, RBST Level II,Women Windows (WW), Voucher Based Short Term (VBST) Level I, Migrant Windows(MW) training through EVENT Project-II. The project was initiated to the tackle the unemployment in Nepal by providing the skill and vocational training to the youths and also assisting them for job placement. The tracer study was conducted through surveys, KII and IDI with various stakeholders including trainees, trainers, employers, project coordinators. The study covers all the 7 provinces.
Client: EVENT Project-II, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Quantitative sample: 424 trainees
Qualitative sample: 23 KIIs, 7 IDIs
Duration: August -October 2023