FDM was contracted with the assignment “Tracer Study of the Trainees of EVENT Project-II” by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The initiative, known as the EVENT Project-II (Enhanced Vocational Education and Training), was launched collaboratively by the Government of Nepal and the World Bank. Its primary objective is to combat the growing issue of unemployment in Nepal by facilitating accessible and effective technical and vocational education and training (TVET) initiatives. The project’s core goal involves enhancing the availability of competent and readily employable workforce by enhancing the caliber of training programs and reinforcing service delivery within the TVET sector. The assignment was 2.5 months long and as an external evaluator FDM conducted a tracer study through in person and phone call interviews with the trainees and interviews with other stakeholders like employers, trainers, project coordinators.
Client: EVENT Project-II, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Quantitative sample: 150 trainees
Qualitative sample: 7 KIIs, 3 IDIs
Duration: 2023 (May - July)